Željko Oset presented the paper “There are no rules, just situations. Stella Alexander about the situation in Yugoslavia in the 1980s” [Brez pravil, so samo situacije. Stella Alexander o razmerah v Jugoslaviji v osemdesetih] at the conference “A decade of metamorphosis: Croatia and Slovenia in the 1980s [Desetljeće promjena: Hrvatska i Slovenija 1980-ih]”, in Zagreb on November 14, 2024. Oset discussed how Alexander, the author of two monographs that are still a quintessential reading (Church and State in Yugoslavia since 1945; The Triple Myth), observed, understood and commented on changes in Yugoslavia in the 1980s. During this period Alexander also published a book on late cardinal Alojzije Stepinac (The Triple Myth).
Željko Oset’s presentation in Zagreb on Stella Alexander and Yugoslavia in the 1980s