Željko Oset

Research Associate
Dr. Željko Oset is a fellow at the American Slovenian Education Foundation. He was junior fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History (Ljubljana, Slovenia) between 2007-2012, and assistant professor at the University of Nova Gorica (Nova Gorica, Slovenia) between 2014-2021. Between 2021 and 2023, he was a director of the Museum of Slovenian Independence (2021-2023). He holds PhD from the University of Ljubljana.
He was a visiting researcher at the Institute of Recent History of Serbia (2010), the Croatian Institute of History (2016, 2018), the Polish Academy of Sciences (2016), the Ohio State University (2016), the Central European University (2016), the Czech Academy of Sciences (2016), the University of Graz (2017, 2020), the University of Vienna (2017), the University of Eastern Finland (2017, 2018, 2019, 2021), Moscow State University (2018), the Russian Academy of Sciences (2019, 2021) and Tel Aviv University (2019).
Oset’s research focuses on the history of Slovenian science, Slovenian-Russian cultural relations, and the role and impact of Yugoslavian secret police (UDB-a) on academia, the Catholic Church and on the society as a whole. In 2021, he published a transcript of UDB’s textbook with commentary (Udbovski učbenik: začetni tečaj- strogo zaupno – UDB’s textbook, beginner’s level – top secret).