Przemysław Pazik

Research Associate
Przemysław Pazik – a graduate of the University of Warsaw and the College of Europe (Natolin). In 2019 he received PhD in history with a dissertation focusing on the post-WWII debates among catholic intelligentsia in Poland. Prior to joining the SOVEREIGNTY project team he worked at the College of Europe (Natolin), Vistula University in Warsaw and Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was a junior research fellow at the Institute of European History (IEG) in Mainz and visiting researcher at the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome as well as the recipient of the Vibke Sorensen grant at the Historical Archives of the EU in Fiesole. Between 2017 and 2021 he was the PI for the National Science Center (NCN) funded research project Between party and antipolitics. Catholic political though and activity in Poland 1945-1948. A comparative approach.
His research focuses on the intellectual history of political Catholicism in Poland and the history of Christian democracy in XX century.
In 2022 he published a book Spory i wybory ideowe katolików w Polsce 1942-1948 [Intellectual debates and choices of lay catholics in Poland 1942-1948] and has recently curated the Polish translation of Augusto Del Noce’s Il suicidio della rivoluzione.