András Fejérdy

Principal Investigator
András Fejérdy is senior research fellow of the Church History department at the Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, and the deputy director of the Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities (Budapest). He also serves as associate professor for Church History at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. He has been the Scientific secretary of Balassi Institute, Hungarian Academy in Rome (2011–2015). His research interests include religious history, the history of the Catholic Church in East-Central Europe and the relationship between the Holy See and Hungary in modern and contemporary history with special attention to the communist period.
His books include Pressed by a Double Loyalty: Hungarian Attendance at the Second Vatican Councile (CEU Press, 2016); Az 1822. évi magyar nemzeti zsinat története [History of the Hungarian national synode of 1822] (MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, 2018) and “I was Francis Moly” Magyary Gyula emlékezései egy titkos politikai-diplomáciai békemisszióra [The memoirs of Gyula Magyary on a secret political-diplomatic peace mission] (2019).
See András’s full publications on the Research Centre for the Humanities website.